They are predicition a major snow storm warning. The warning is going into effect tonight while we sleep. 18 inches. It will look pretty and cover all the yucky dirty brown snow we've been stairing at recently. But we sure don't need another 18 inches! I guess the snow isn't so bad if the temp is in the high 30's with sun. But man January was cold. There were some days we never hit double digits.
Here is the one highlight of the month, I will share. Right after this weekend, is when I got sick, then Gabby, then Gia then Bella.
..... 1 day .... 2 hours .... 200 laps!
Gabby swimming 200 laps in 1 hr 46 minutes ! So proud of her. That is over 3 miles. Last year she completed 179 laps in 2 hours. So what a difference a year makes. She raised $145 for the team.
Here is Bella completing lap number 124, with Ashley a jr. high swimmer, who was sweet enough to swim some laps to encourage Bella to keep going. This little 6 year old fish completed a grand total of 126 laps which is about 10 laps shy of 2 miles. So proud of her. This was her 1st year in the swim-a-thon, she also raised $145.
Here is my favorite picture from the day. Gia cheering her sister on!
As the minutes clicked away, little G kept delayering.
At the end of the 2 hours she was barefoot, pants rolled to the knees, wet butt and all smiles.
Love my girls ... they make me soooo proud!