My life is a mini zoo right now. This is the honest to god's truth. For real, between life, kids, PTO, swim board, work and everything in between it is truly amazing that I have enough energy left to blog. Everyone seems to want a piece of me right now and me with this stinking cold, I just don't have the strength, patience or energy to build that protective wall around myself like I like to keep around me. My guard is down or low or out of whack right now.
Really I should be in bed, I have had this darn head cold for almost 6 days now and just when I was feeling better, I have lost my voice again. Sleep is really what I need, but when my head tries to hit the pillow the mind races with thoughts about way to many things. Warning... the tone of this blog is really going to be extremely negative tonight. I have had a stressful week and really am feeling the need to
vent blog. If you don't want to read about
"Debbie Downer" I mean me then perhaps you should go someplace else today.
There are so many things that I am pissed about I don't even know where to begin! I guess I will start with work. It sucked tonight. It was a night that I thought why am I a waitress? I actually had a moment where I started to think I am a college educated person who is waiting tables...what a waste. But then I came home to a messy house that I spent 2 hours cleaning while my
lazy ass lovey, wonderful husband laid on the couch while watching football watched me clean. Then I began to remember why I wait tables. Nonetheless, the night sucked but I am still undecided about what sucked the most work or coming home! On a positive note, I got a wonderful new haircut and style the other day, it is the best I have felt about my hair in a long time. (Pictures to come in a few days)
So I guess the next thing for me to bitch about would have to be this topic that I have been really wanting to get off my chest for 2 months now but have been to nervous to do so. I think tonight I am in such a bad mood that I should just do it. I don't care who reads it. Actually I hardly have any followers just some lurkers so I don't think it really matters anyway.
I think I wrote about my mother in law before. I am pretty sure I called her a 2 out of 10. The problem is why can't I just accept that? She is just a 2! Plain and simple, so I don't understand why I can't move on. She is 60 years old and will never change, so I need to let it go. I have been waiting for 2 almost 3 months for her to respond to my letter. Seriously 3 months, how can it possible take 3 months for a person to respond to a letter written with compassion and love? Well, now I know why it to so long. She is just not capable. Yesterday I finally got my response and it has left me with more questions than I had when I started. A response I received, yet it answered none of my original questions and has left me wishing, well, wishing she would have never responded because the ball is back in my court and I just don't have the strength to hit that damn little yellow ball back at her.
To add to this glorious week, the assistant superintendent of my children's' school district died from a massive heart attack Friday morning. He was 51! He hired me for my first coaching job and I coached his daughter when she was in 7th grade about 6 years ago. My mom called me with the news around 8 am on Friday. This came as a complete shock. How horribly sad. The school has lost a wonderful administrator. And the poor family. He left behind a wife and 3 kids. Those children, how do you ever recover from that? So sudden, no good-bye's. It makes me complaining seem so petty and small.
I need to find some balance in my life. I miss blogging and reading blogs, I miss reading a book for fun, I miss sleeping in! I have become consumed with committee meetings, work, and household chores. My life needs some fun some sleep some something....